Originally Posted by Bermanator98
I would first off recommend that you visit your nearest age verifier, to prove that you are 18+, and that will give you access to the gun classifieds here on the forums. The link for that is here: http://airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=174406
You can usually find some pretty good deals here if you're patient and know roughly what prices are. Personally I would recommend going with an M4 platform to begin with. It's very common, so repairs should be easier to deal with, should something break. As well, don't limit yourself to TorontoAirsoft, there are many more good sites available, I can't list them tho b/c you have not been verified. Once that's done, I'm sure there will be many people willing to give you a helping hand.
Why is being verified an issue? I know Toronto airsoft, xtreme tactics, a store in Vancouver, but if you could help I could use it. I am unable to go to a verifier as I take a bus and have work. Gotta pay rent.