Hello guys!
Today I received my G&P m4 RAS AEG. I'm building a USMC loadout and wanted to add an M4 to it instead of my Dboys M16. I've been using it for a while and its getting cumbersome
When I first looked at it I thought it looked really good! But when I was making some detail pictures I noticed the receivers had a different color! Theres also a small opening between the upper and lower receiver. My 200 euro specna arms has a better fitting upper and lower receiver. Have I gotten a melon? Is this greyish black standard for G&P?
It also came in a bland cardboard box without any trademarks of G&P on it.
Heres some pictures:
And another:
I've read a lot of good stuff about G&P on the web, so I might have been expecting to much?