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Old December 24th, 2016, 09:24   #6
Red Dot
Google level: BOSS
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Stouffville, Ontario
Absolutely get into the hobby man, don't let your size affect your decision.

It can be a great workout depending on how you play. There are usually events ranging from skirmishes for a couple of hours to 48-72 hour milsims.

The only thing is you wouldn't be able to use the same cover a small guy could but most fields will have an assortment of objects for cover that you would use.

To touch on the sniper thing briefly I would steer you towards a AR/AK rifle to start. Sniping in airsoft is a specialized role and doesn't really work like most folks imagine. An assault rifle can be tweaked from a DMR to CQB lengths and you could pretty much always use it regardless of the game.

Before you buy any major kit just get out there and play a game to see what it's actually like, have fun!
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