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Old December 8th, 2016, 09:34   #5
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Petawawa
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Take the barrel group out and try pushing a BB through the hop rubber's seal, should take much more than the weight of a pen to push it through.

Hop should be slightly on

Look down the barrel and check your air nozzle alignment

air nozzle seal test, with the air nozzle fully forward shine a light up the mag well and see if there's any light in the barrel

air nozzle should move freely on the cylinder head, but keep in mind there's an O-ring on it, too

what kinds of BBS?
For the air nozzle test "shining a light down the barrell". I'm assuming its not a good thing if I see light?
Infantryman, AKA: Chief
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