Classifieds Clean Up
Attention everyone who has an active ad in any of the Classified sections. In the first week of the new year, I will be archiving any and all ads that have not been maintained for at least 3 months. That means, coming in January 2017, if you have not bumped you ad since October 2016, it's gone, active or not. I cleaned up the ads the beginning of this year and there were active (as in no "banana" posted in the ad) going back to 2012. I feel going back to October is generous. I should be nuking anything older than December.
No ad is deleted. They are all archived in a section that is viewable but no posting can be done. This is why there's a rule about no deleting prices. Archives are used by future buyers and sellers to use as a reference. Also, adding the word "banana" to your original post (as opposed to bumping with it) allows me to very quickly and easily archive completed threads. I've been very lenient about people just posting "SPF" or "Sold" instead of "banana" but I will be infracting you if it continues into the new year. It makes maintaining the classified a hell of a lot harder to do if you don't follow the established rules.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta