Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
Step 1 of building an amazing, long range HPA airsoft gun: dont listen to anything about hop and barrel on hpa forums.
There hasnt been really any REAL testing on the minimum length. But even a 90mm barrel in a pistol will stabilize a BB. Some pistols have 6" groupings beyond 160ft, but this fact is often overlooked since its so damn hard for a person to actually shoot a 6" group beyond 160ft without bracing the pistol really well.
But if you have the same ideal hopup and muzzle energy on a 200mm, 455mm, and 650mm barrel, i would be downright shocked if you could notice a difference in accuracy.
The key function of the barrel is to stabilize the BB once it leaves the hopup. Beyond the point of stabilization, the BB can then only be DE stabilized.
Barrel bore and length are basically meaningless in terms of range or accuracy. As long as you're achieving consistently the same muzzle energy.
The only things that really affect a barrel are the quality and the cleanliness.
The only real barrel length testing that was done was to find out the optimal length by means of air volume for a full length cylinder. But that really doesn't mean anything.
Bottom line is, the longer the barrel is, the more volume it needs (for aeg), and the more susceptible it will be to accuracy loss due to fouling.
Volume for barrel length isn't critical on hpa since you're just trading air volume for air pressure as you get shorter. But avoid super wide bores (anything over 6.13) as it just wastes air volume for no benefit at all.
Choices are usually 6.03 prometheus and 6.05 pdi, not because of the bore size, but because they're the two highest quality barrels on the market.
I thoughta good hop was the most important for precision and the best barrel for HPA DMR's is the ORGA 6.23, no?
Why do people say 455mm is the optimal length, if as you're saying 200mm would be the same? I would prefer a shorter barrel if they preform identically.
Btw, what do you think of this barrel?