Did some testing today, so I thought I'd post my results in an existing thread.
To get my measurements I laid out a tape measure, and measured out 300ft worth of length, then had a human target stand at the other end.
Here's what I was running:
Lonex m110 spring
300mm madbull 6.03 tightbore
Lonex hop up unit
prometheus purple bucking, flat-hopped
Blue bridge tensioner
+/-400FPS on 0.2s (1.5J)
was using Elite Force 0.28 bios
At 200ft from a standing position I could consistently hit a human target. In a game scenario I'd be confident hitting a still target with a single shot.
At about 230ft it got a bit tricky. At this range the BB still had forward momentum (you could hear the sound of the impact) but my shots were dropping off, and my hop-up unit simply couldn't privide any additional spin to maintain the flight trajectory, without the BB's flying towards the sky.
I feel like my results might be a bit low, compared to some of the numbers quoted. Then again it was misting out today so maybe the water droplets had an effect on my results.
*Busy signing for his packages*