So, for years now I've been annoyed at how terrible stock AEG followers are. They're made to be single stack sized in order to feed the last BB out of a mag, but most AEG magazines are double stacked. At first I made my own followers using plastic and a file, then I moved to commercially made followers but I was not entirely satisfied with them. I decided to get together a friend and make them instead.
Undersized stock followers in best case scenarios will only cause excessive friction. Worst case the BB will jam beside the follower and end up underneath it, then the only remedy is to completely disassemble the mag. I had this problem with every PTS PMag I owned, as well as first generation EPMs. Undersized followers will also deform the last BB in the mag.
Stock PTS EPM follower:
Same mag, follower replaced:
These followers are made to be a drop in fit for most AEG mags. The most you will have to do is cut off the circle loop at the top of your spring if your mag is of that design such as KA.
Installation demo:
Drop in compatibility confirmed with:
DyTac Hexmags
Socom Gear Troy/Lancer mags
General compatibility confirmed with:
DyTac Invader mags
King Arms STANAG mags
Classic Army SA58 Midcaps
Comparison video using PTS EPM inserts:
Comparison video using Socom Gear inserts (courtesy of chaz):
Follower installed:
Hexmag with follower installed, 0.66g BBs (courtesy of Fobby):