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Old April 18th, 2016, 16:57   #17
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
The king arms cylinders have been dubbed "sufficient" in user reviews, provided that you loctite the two screws in place.
Some failures are more likely to occur, like the rack breaking or the air nozzle breaking. But consider that a systema piston body is worth as much as a whole KA cylinder.
That being said, some breakages, like the rack failing, can also damage the gearbox and easily do a KA cylinders worth of damage.

The systema cylinders are worth it. They really retain their reliability over the years; the internals in one of my cylinders is from 07 and work fine.
If you do get an early stainless cylinder, theyre easy to pick out. You can fix the oversize rail issue by just getting a velocity piston.
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