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Old March 7th, 2016, 19:54   #15
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
To hit an 8.5mm aperture at 10mm from the end of your barrel, your BB would have to leave at a remarkable 7 degree angle (I did the 3 degree calculation for a 7mm aperture for some reason).
To put that in perspective, a total 14 degrees left to right of potential launch angle is a 48ft spread at 200ft.

The osprey suppressor I have on my M14 also uses an 8.5mm aperture all the way through (since it was for a power-up barrel).
Between the inner barrel and flash hider is 130mm
So for a BB leaving my barrel to hit the aperture that it's flying into, it would have to leave at a miniscule 0.55 degree angle.
But wait, there's more; it also has to fly down 200mm of 8.5mm tube, so in order for the BB to even glance off the very end of the exit aperture, it would have to leave my barrel at an angle of .217 degrees.
And yet, 130mm from inner barrel exit to 8.5mm suppressor entry aperture, zero hits. And through 200mm of tight 8.5mm tube, zero hits.

It is, most definitely, without any doubt, not an issue of your barrel being 10mm away from the aperture. Something else is causing that problem.
Most likely, the barrel is either held to center BY the exit aperture, and floats inside the outer barrel when it's not supported by the exit aperture, so the sag points the barrel right into the exit aperture.
Or, less likely, there's a burr on the 650mm inner barrel.
Could also be the threads for the suppressor are machined on an angle, causing the aperture to not be centerline.
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