I think there's a psychological/ social break here;
What airsoft is and is not has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
Violent retribution for perceived grievances is always wrong.
In very specific, contained, and limited spaces like some hockey leagues, it may be permitted, but it is still not right or even necessary.
Willingly causing harm to another person is a criminal act, and should be treated as such. There is no room for "deserved it or not" in here. Maybe the alleged victim deserved to be excluded from social interaction with the accused, maybe not. Maybe they shouldn't have gone into, or been permitted to go into the same arena with each other, maybe not.
Regardless, physical retribution for perceived grievances is beyond the pale, unacceptable behavior, and demands intervention by law enforcement by it's very nature.
There were hypothetically thousands of options available to the accused in terms of potential conflict resolution, and he allegedly chose uncontrolled rage. That is not the choice of a rational individual capable of fully realized empathy or personal consequences. The Police, and the Courts will determine whether or not that is true, and that's exactly how it's supposed to work.
The main point is that this should never have happened in the first place.