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Old January 23rd, 2016, 07:26   #12
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Eastern Ontario
Originally Posted by JayGus View Post
Furthermore, you truly get what you pay for. 3 things I am not afraid to skimp out on: protection, loadbearing equipment, bags/packs. Ppe for obvious reasons, but the last two because I hate nothing more than when my stuff fails to carry loads under the stress I put my kit through or when I am stuck helping somebody carry their things because their vest tore or pack blew out.
I couldn't agree with this more. A lot of airsoft branded items are scaled down in quality for savings but some things should be invested in - especially if it will be multi use. All of the above options are great advice! I'm currently using an older variant of the CamekBak Motherlode and love it. I don't always have a teammate around so being able to slip it on and off to retrieve something is key. The build quality is fantastic, it's been through some torture, and it hasn't failed me yet. As stated above, some of the options listed are heavier but it is due in large part to heavier materials being used for the product. I would rather carry marginally more weight on my back than an armful of gear when my cheaper, lighter bag rips.
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