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Old January 23rd, 2016, 01:19   #11
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Ill completely agree with w1lp33 and building on what he said, a multibag system is the way to go. No one pack will suffice for everything. For example Mcguyver has 5 listed he moves between. I have 3: my Osprey Aether 70+10 (in red because we all know truly sf guys dont colormatch with multicam bahaha), my Rush 24 and my ares. Each has a set purpose and more often than not, more than one is used in conjunction with another for various applications.

As stated above, snackfood and water can be carried in a small pack, but it can also be carried in GP pouches or pockets (i always have tactijerky in my left shoulder and lifesavers tucked into molle webbing). Water is on my back, a collapsable bottle in my dump pouch or thigh pockets/gp pouch. A field bag (assuming its not a game like battlefield where all spawns can be carriedstolen) should, for the most part, carry what you need to sustain yourself while at a spawn during game time, as you said: batts, mags, bbs, gas, etc. A sustainment pack should be what you strap to your back during gametime with your field bag at about half load to full load (depending on game legnth/bag size),, back at spawn (preferably a hardspawn if possible) and should carry, prettybmuch the bare essentials to keep you going for an extended amount of time without impeding your functionality or ability too much.

Furthermore, you truly get what you pay for. 3 things I am not afraid to skimp out on: protection, loadbearing equipment, bags/packs. Ppe for obvious reasons, but the last two because I hate nothing more than when my stuff fails to carry loads under the stress I put my kit through or when I am stuck helping somebody carry their things because their vest tore or pack blew out.

Last edited by JayGus; January 23rd, 2016 at 01:22..
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