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Old December 11th, 2015, 15:44   #1
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
Handsonic's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Vaughan review

On December 5th, I made a small order, 1 tan half face mask. I was very excited to receive my item, and on the 11th, it came in. I opened the box with a big smile, which immediately turned into a frown when I saw the mask. It was not tan, but green.

Here is what the mask looks like on their website:

Here is what I got:

Clearly, the mask I ordered is tan and the mask I got is green. I even compared the colour of the new mask to a tan mask I already own, just to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. I also asked a couple friends to tell me what colour my new mask is. They said green.

So, disappointed, I called milsig and told them my mask was the wrong colour and I would like to exchange it for the right colour. The guy on the phone said the one he sent was definitely the tan mask, so I responded by saying that the mask I was sent is a completely different colour from the picture on their website. He said he would be able to do an exchange and I would receive an email soon. Here is our conversation:

Milsig: "Since the TMC V1 STRIKE STEEL MESH HALF FACE MASK (TAN) TMC0631 is a low value item, the cost for shipping it back to us is more that the value of the mask. I suggest you to keep the mask and place another order with the mask that you would like to have and I can reduce the shipping to $10.00 from $19.95."

Me: "So... you guys send me a mask that is differently coloured from the picture on the website, then you expect me to order another mask?"

Milsig: "We used the pictures and description provided by our supplier and it is the exact one you received from the picture.

For your reference:


MILSIG Paintball Canada"

Me: "The mask I received is a completely different colour than that of the mask in the pictures.
Compared them yourself, I already showed several people and they all say there is a clear difference.
Attached is a picture of just the mask as well as a picture of the mask next to my older tan mask."

Milsig: I can see the difference of the 2 masks but unfortunately, that is the TMC V1 Strike Steel Half Face Mask (Tan) according to our supplier. If you are unhappy with the product, please send it back and we will credit you a full refund.

Me: How will the refund process work and will it include the original shipping costs?

Milsig: No. We can't refund the shipping since we shipped the item out and paid for shipping already.

It will be $12.56 + Tax back to your Paypal account.


MILSIG Paintball Canada

They falsely advertise their product, then expect me to pay them for the shipping of the false product, shipping BACK the false product, 50% shipping of the proper product, AND pay for the replacement?
I will never even look at their website again, let alone order from them. Filthy scammers.

UPDATE: This afternoon, Milsig refunded the cost of the mask, let me keep the mask, and notified their supplier about the issue. They didn't refund the shipping but whatever, getting $15 back is better than nothing, so I just paid $20 for a mask I didn't want. Oh, and they asked me to update the thread with this new info, of course. Here you go milsig

Last edited by Handsonic; February 14th, 2016 at 19:19..
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