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Old September 28th, 2015, 01:18   #9
Join Date: Feb 2015
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
You question makes no sense. If you understand how barrels were made, you'd know that cost and quality go hand in hand.
The tricky part is weeding out gimmick barrels. Barrels that have higher cost due to some fancy feature that doesn't do anything for you; like miracle barrels.

So basically what you're looking for is the best quality REGULAR smoothbore that will last the longest, which is the prometheus 6.03
No fancy features, nice square hop window for Rhop, nothing but clean and super polished stainless steel in a straight line.

If you want to get detaily, the madbull 6.03 actually performs pretty darn good. Problem is it's aluminum and is super easy to scratch. Big downer is if you ever scratch it (which is 90% of the time), you have to buy a new one, and then you're on par for the cost of a prometheus barrel, but you're still stuck with an aluminum piece of crap.

The PDI 6.05 is good, just not quite as concentric as the prometheus 6.03
PDI 6.08 is crap.
prometheus ASH is crap.
ORGA 6.13 is pretty darn good, the 6.10 is amazing if you have a PTW, the 6.23 is a complete waste of air in HPA guns and you can't even use one in an AEG.
Lonex is a downgrade from even a stock G&P 6.08 brass barrel that's been bent.

What it comes down to is you have 4 kinds of barrels on the market:
-cheap, either complete shit or disposable barrels
-slightly expensive high quality barrels
-more expensive gimmick barrels that do nothing to improve performance over high quality barrels

And now that we've figured out that you don't need anything longer than a 10" barrel, prometheus barrels really aren't that expensive anyway.
I mean, if you're shelling out the big bucks for 509 or 550-650 barrels then consider the extra $100 to be idiot tax lol
wait, so 10 inch barrel is enough?
i was about to build a dmr with full cylinder air volume and a 455mm prommy barrel, u know, taking the advantage of full cylinder so i can push .30g or .32g bbs.

need your advice about full cylinder question. cuz if 10 inch is enough i'd always go half size cylinders for them.
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