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Old August 5th, 2015, 21:44   #3
St. Ides
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: York Region
the upper/lower will be fine; the nozzle, if its still plastic, will fail....if its the aluminum nozzle then go grab yourself the new-age steel hop up chamber by RA Tech (the stock alloy metal will fail over time, the metal is to soft). The RA hop up chamber is not a complete drop in replacement, you will still need the screw and hop up rubber-nub in from the stock hop up chamber to work.....

I hear of a lot of guys switching out the stock parts with real steel parts (buffer/buffer spring included) I'm not sure of the added recoil/if any (if it kicks like a mule or not), but if anyone has had any experience with said upgrades they may like to pipe in......

My two cents....stock is great without the open bolt upgrade kit for spare parts...your set for a couple/if not more seasons with those alone....upgrade to all steel components with the soft alloy stock, and pay more in the end trying to maintain the wear and tear/replace the broken plastic parts......

Just sayin.......
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