Thread: Retail Sites
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Old July 2nd, 2015, 00:49   #15
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Location: Richmond Hill and Waterloo, Ontario
Shit is more expensive in Canada, that's just how it is. Back when a JG G36 went for $500, I could understand people wanting to import. Now prices have gone down significantly, so much so that sometimes Americans are buying from Canadian retailers.

I ordered $250 of gear from the US, and I was nailed by a $50 customs tariff. I can only imagine how much an expensive AEG would cost. You also need to factor in exchange rate.

Main reason why I would never try to import a gun is because my friend bought a gun from Asia, paid the retailer to change the spring to be Canadian legal, and CBSA still determined it was not shooting within legal parameters and my friend lost a lot f money.
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