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Old June 16th, 2015, 09:56   #1
Join Date: Jun 2015
New guy botches poor reveiw while wiping puke off his skirt. or (Warning Heros Outfitters Shady)

Warning Heros Outfitters Shady!!!

Hi me and my friends are new into getting airsoft so we were thrilled when we found out that Heros was so close to us. I purchased my gun at Toronto airsoft myself and have had great customer service even past my warrenty. However my friends who have shopped and spent over atleast 500$ each at Heros were not so lucky. This experience I have had with them is disgusting and I would not normally report this sort of thing but what they are doing is extremely dishonest.

When looking at guns the one guy who worked there came over saying look at this gun its 200$ off and its brand new! My friend was thrilled and bought the gun and we took it out for a rip. After playing one game with his gun I noticed a trigger lag that was not consistant. Some times it would half respond and wouldnt even shoot. After 3 games the gun had 0 responce out of the trigger. We brought the gun in and take in mind this was within the first week of getting the gun. It was a friday and they told us to come back on monday because the right guy was not in. The same guy was in monday and took a look at the gun. After taking the trigger mechanism out he told us that " you must not know how these guns work" and he then left to go to the back leaving annother employee to "assist us". This new guy "the guy who sold him the gun" told my friend that this was caused by him jerking the trigger around too much causing arching. They then gave us a card for someone 2 fix airsoft guns... This is complete bullshit because the gun was doing this lagg the first time he shot it so eather they are unskilled in this field which is not the case, or they knowingly sold this gun to my friend knowing he was new and knowing that it would not work. Multiple other friends have had issues with them ordering parts or them selling the wrong parts ( I think it was knowingly) that were not meant for our specific guns which is amaizing since they were the ones selling the guns.
I'm just saying be wary of buying products from Heros especially if you are new getting into the sport. I highly recomend Toronto Airsoft for newcommers. Thank you for your time

Last edited by Armyissue; June 16th, 2015 at 15:38.. Reason: coup de grĂ¢ce
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