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Old April 29th, 2015, 12:59   #1
DKD15's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Hamilton, Ont
12 hour event, what to pack?

What would the experience players suggest in packing for a players first 12 hour event.

Right now my kit list is as follows. Please feel free to lend advice on what to pack what to not pack.

Back pack
1x camelbak backpack (with 4L bladder)
1x ranger blanket
1x rain jacket (if weather calls for showers)
1x goldbond (foot powder)
2x pair of socks
1x 1kg bag of extra bb's
2x mre (field striped)
2x standard water bottles
1x can of green gas
1x otw shirt
1x bdu pants
1x puffy jacket

Chest rig (includes dump pouch)
8x mid caps
3x pistol mags
1x 2L bladder
1x 120rnd speed loader filled
1x small bag of bb's 1000 rdns
1x radio
1x spare radio battery
1x medic pouch / kill rag / first aid supplies.
1x map
1x pouch of snacks (beef jerky, hydration tab / electrolytes)
1x tin of chewing tobacco
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