Your number's busy, so I thought I'd just continue here instead.
First of all, this thread was never meant as an attack on your products, but the instructions given, even if they were for the lowest common denominator (maybe because of it), gave me serious trouble. Had they simply said "this charger has polarity auto correction", that'd have been fine, but instead it told me that my batteries had the wrong leads configuration and that I had better change them. It wasn't until that I tried to put the batteries in my AEG did I realize that the wires' colours didn't match with the AEG's, and upon reading the AEG's instructions found them to contradict those of the charger's. I'm quite angry right now because I shocked myself changing the leads on a charged battery, but that anger isn't directed towards you, Scarecrow. I just wanted to sort this out ASAP.
Secondly, I have mini batteries. The charger's normal outlet only allows for large, so I had no choice but to use the allegator clamps. If there were mini adaptor in the package, I'd have used them, but there weren't. If the charger didn't come with mini adaptor, then I can only blame myself for not ordering them.
So all in all, follow the AEG's instruction, red/+ to round hole, black/- to square hole, right? That's all I really wanted to know. :|
"The Bird of Hermes is My Name, Eating My Wings to Make Me Tame."