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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:45   #4
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
change your alligator clips to large battery connector. you can get these at any hobby shop that sells rc parts. then you have freedom to charge large batteries if you want. then get a large-to-small battery adapter. they are available from airsoft retailers or build one from parts at the hobby shop. or just get a charger meant for charging rc batteries. best one i've found is mrc 959 and 989 dual.

always go by the gun as the guide. the motor needs to see the correct polarity or it will try to spin backwards and blow your fuse (if you have one). make sure the batteries charge with the corect polarity and discharge in the gun with the correct polarity. change whatever ends you have to and you should have no problems.
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