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Old January 29th, 2015, 22:13   #1
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Noveske NSR 13.5" Keymod rail from

Reivewing this --> Noveske NSR rail

Just recently picked this up as I wanted a clean rail for a simple AR build. Loved the look of the Noveske NSR rails. Looked around and decided to pick up the rail from

It arrived quickly after ordering it and I went right to work installing it on my VFC M4.
Once I got it on I noticed that this is WAY off. It has a slope down from the body of the gun to the end of the rail. The outer barrel sits off to the left when looking down the gun from the top with the end of the rail pointed away.
The edges of the top rail are sharp and slightly higher then that on the VFC body.
The inside of the rail has small little ridges (I am assuming for strength as the rail is very thin), none of which are evenly cut.

I went with this as I have bought from in the past and never had issues. The description even stated "Quite simply the most accurate replica of the Noveske NSR rail on the market.". I would hate to see the other rails if this is the most accurate rail on the market.

Its on my gun but I am not impressed.

I will try to get pictures to outline what I am describing.
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