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Old January 19th, 2015, 16:14   #10
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Winnipeg
Dropleg platforms outside of a CQB environment are really tiring and annoying as hell.
Unless you see yourself needing to make an active entry from a climb/ rappel and need to keep your torso free and clear of clutter, or think you might need to draw during a cavalry charge (mounted) you'll probably be happier with something else.
The other time they're used is when you absolutely must carry a sidearm and mounting one anywhere else won't clear your main line, if you're worried about that, buy a Serpa/ Safariland/ etc, it's extra mounting plates, a molle dropleg platform, and then you can play around until you give up and make room on your hip.

Sorry if this sounds crass, but been there, done that. The only time I use a dropleg nowadays is when I have a clean carrier on my torso, sidearm on my hip, and the dropleg carries primary mags, secondary mags, and grenades.

That's my 'Black Kit' setup and while it works as intended (and extremely efficiently) it would be miserable for anything longer than the hour or two it gets used. Running drop leg holsters and dumps outdoors was clunky, noisy, snagged on everything (good luck crawling!), and just not worth it.

Up to how you play though, so YMMV.

Edit based on lurkingknight's comment:
I used to be a fat person, and now I'm a fit person, but the problem remains that you've gotta try these things on in person. Many holsters and platforms will *not* get around my quads with enough give to hang or flex properly. If they're not worn high enough or fitted properly, they will drag your pants and pistol belt down while murdering your lower back.

They're a really purpose/ niche driven piece of kit, largely a waste of money/ cause for discomfort, and I wish costume designers would stop putting them on every soldier in every movie so they'd fall out of popularity.

Last edited by Cliffradical; January 19th, 2015 at 16:26..
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