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Old December 13th, 2014, 02:05   #13
Join Date: Dec 2014
Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
My first reaction was "why this thread"? You answered that already, but I still ask myself, why this thread? I mean, it's ok your question is legitimate but it doesn't quite belong here in my opinion, but that's all it is, an opinion

That said, Yeah lots of us knew about mag fed PB guns. Others didn't, but it doesn't really matters I think

It solves only one problem of PB. My biggest turn off of PB over Airsoft: community and type of player you see at games is nowhere close the same, Airsoft players being a much more tightly knitted group

No run and gun in Airsoft while I saw plenty in PB

More maturity in general

Paint screwing Potentially expensive gear

Paint emptying the wallet faster than pretty much everything

And so on

So in the end, nope, not impressed

Keep in mind these are just my opinions based on my experience and observations

Thats the funny thing. Both sides always have EXACTLY the same things to say about each other when it comes to the negative lol.
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