Thread: Miracle Barrels
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Old December 2nd, 2014, 22:23   #8
Squid Porn Superstar, I love the tentacles!
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That video proves nothing. A single kill at a certain distance is a fluke. You're looking for consistent results, not a one off hit. I got a kill at 300 feet on my first shot with my M14. It was a fluke. I'm not going to use that to preach that my M14 is the most accurate thing ever.

Also, a kill at 220 feet is nothing. You can easily do that with a decent hop up on a stock barrel.

The trough in a Miracle barrel does more harm than good. Ever wonder why they all have white residue on them? BECAUSE THEY DEFORM EVERY SINGLE BB THAT PASSES THROUGH. Sure it helps centre the BB down the barrel, but if you have any decent hop up setup that does the same thing, the insert becomes obsolete. The quality of the bore on a Miracle barrel is average. Not an improvement over a stock barrel. Hell some stock barrels are actually better.

Originally Posted by roryneo View Post
This video goes into the physics of the miracle barrel quite nicely.
I would consider buying one based off of this information.

Hope this helps.
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