Originally Posted by GMoney
I shall definately take a look. But I think I'm done buying airsoft guns for awhile lol. Spent WAY to much money on everything I bought lol.
Thanks for the info.
How goes the airsofting in your neck of the woods?
Modern themed airsoft is always growing in my area from what I can see, all sorts of events happening all the time. Run and gun types, milsim types, zombie games

I only do WW2 these days but still interested in some invite only modern themed games due to change of interest and lack of time. I'm more interested in reenactment than modern milsim or just run and gun type of play. Airsoft rifle is just another part of my impression I could do just fine without. If my AEG goes down I'd still do my thing and enjoy the event or borrow bolt action Kar98 from someone and experience what it means to be outgunned by every single Allied troop
Btw, you cannot ever be done with buying guns/gear

Airsoft is more addictive than crack