How well received would it be if I signed up on CGN or wherever and my first post was to inform you the sky was falling and your guns are all illegal, then went on to argue the fact in further posts, all while being horribly misinformed.
I'm sure that would go over great.
As someone said far more eloquently before, we don't need people coming in to tell us our business.
Originally Posted by zelly
Just wanted to add to this thread. The "troll" in question is a respected member of the Canadian firearms community. We are discussing this issue in depth their as well and a lot of what he said made sense and your attitude towards him and his discussion was rude and you came off with a lot of childish arrogance. It was sorta sad to read actually. That being said I'm not here to pick a fight or discuss the issue more as you have obviously determined your interpretation of the new laws to be gospel. Merely to say that only time will tell how these new laws will effect us all but hopefully like you state they will benefit our community and not hinder it.