Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper
So I just went into my basement, turned every light source off except for the pilot light in my fireplace. I threw on my GSCI PBS-14, mounted it to my helmet and grabbed my rifle that has my Holosun HS403A mounted to it. Even though it is quite dark the tiny bit of ambient light form the pilot light gives quite a bit of definition.
Turned the sight on and lowered it to the lowest brightness setting. The lowest few settings you cannot see with the naked eye. Aiming with the NOD and was quite easy and was very clear. The dot did not wash out your image in any way. I hope that this sight truly is parallax free. It will make aiming and snapping from target to target much more easy.
Anyone who uses NODs, get this. Oh yeah, GunsModify lens pro works perfectly.
In addition to this:
I have been noticing that when I go back to my rifle the sight always seems to be on. After a short period of experimenting I discovered that with the sight I purchased for my rifle and the other one I ordered from the same batch for a teammate have a fault in them.
If you turn the sight off and give it a small tap on the side of the housing, the sight will turn back on. This also occurs if you turn the sight off and give it a light shake. Now, this is supposed to have 50k hours worth of battery life off of one CR2032 battery, so your battery dying shouldn't be an issue for awhile, however this is still a troubling factor in the confidence I hold in this product, especially as this happens in both pieces I purchased and not just the one.
I purchased it from AirsoftParts.ca, so I will be in contact with Duy about working something out.