I'm gunna be picking up a set of highlander this weekend. But as we all know there's millions of options.
- the first option was the one I was pretty set on. It's the integrated battle pants-3D highlander from
http://www.ur-tactical.com/index.php...roduct_id/1394 also would be grabbing the shirt from there as well. It would probably hit just over $300 with tax and shipping
-second option would be the Emerson gen3 combat pants from
http://aimspec.com.sg/index.php?rout...product_id=330 these are about $40 cheaper than the ones from UR-Tactical ones but I'm sure there's a difference. This is where I need help.
-final option is the older Gen2 emerson version from
http://www.airsoftoutletnw.com/emers...hirt-and-pants BUT this is the WHOLE SET of pants and shirt for $100. And I have an emerson set of gen2 aor1 shirt and pants which I love already.
I'm willing to go that extra mile this time. As I'm gunna be grabbing a PC and a D3 in kryptek highlander in a month or so as well. So your opinions please?