It is, which is why its somewhat difficult to find a pristine kit lol. All the nice "brand new" kits are US made kits selling for $200-300. I can find the LCT AK74 wood kits which would fit w/ the adapter but its just an AKM stock with a relief cut, the sling swivel is in the wrong location which bugs me more than it should...
I do want to put together a "worn" wood kit as well, which should be easier to find once I start scouring for a surplus set, won't worry about dinging that set up at all.
I wonder who supplies GHK with their wood furniture... I messaged them about it but they've said GHK doesn't list it as a purchasable part... if I can source a new set from their supplier then I'll just leave the current one on and let it get dented and dinged. I just want a new set on standby for when I want it to look nice and new.
Though tbh, I'm after the stock more than the hand guards. I can use the LCT hand guards so those aren't a problem to find.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
Last edited by beta678; August 21st, 2014 at 01:21..