Thread: Radios and You
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Old June 28th, 2014, 19:39   #55
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
There's also a noticeable difference between NiMH/NiCd and lithium batteries
Our old GP68's had 1200mah batts upgradeable to 1800mah NiMH. The 1800s tended to last almost exactly 24 hrs with a normal amount of traffic.
Charging and maintaining battery health was a huge pain though. After a year none of our NiCds held more than 300mah.

With the new wouxuns, they use more energy, have 1700mah lithium batts, but last 24hrs of heavy traffic, and under decent traffic they'll likely last into the 30hr range.
No memory effect and naturally longer battery life due to the discharge curve
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