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Old June 18th, 2014, 18:11   #19
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Originally Posted by Juic3 View Post
any chance those could be buyed on special order ?
I think things like this may be too.. dangerous.. to be purchased en masse by general populace... Since this isn't a personal rocket launcher but a fielded mortar, I would THINK (my opinion....) that things like this should be taken to field OWNERS for purchase/rent/borrow for games, not just brought to the field by any average joe. Would you go to a game with fifteen mortars toted by players? What would be the point lol.

To me a mortar is a special weapon, not something general infantry would use. IMO, which feel free to disagree or whatever... mortars should be owned and operated by field staff trained to use it safely and properly, and have the proper knowledge to use it safely and properly... I sure wouldn't want to participate in a game when some guy walks out of his car with a home made mortar with no rep to the other players. I'd never do that. Just my two cents...
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