My TM p226 mag is leaking from a weird spot. I tried doing a search but maybe I'm searching the wrong words. If someone could give me some insight or link me to a thread discussing a similar problem.
The mag seams to be leaking from the highlighted area. When I squeeze it the top and the bottom together (making that space tighter) it appears to leak less.
I don't really take my own guns or mags apart (heheh), my wife doesn't like me spending as much time as I do playing so if I were at home working on my guns and stuff she wouldn't like that. LOL. I would just like to have the problem identified before I take it to a gunsmith. If there is an easy solution then I will try my hand at it myself too.
Everyone said in the other thread "the P226 takes propane fine"

... I think this problem came from high pressure the mag couldn't handle. I don't know though.