Thread: Radios and You
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Old April 8th, 2014, 11:25   #13
FirestormX's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Thanks for this! Reading some of your earlier posts (which it looks like you've moved here) helped me get a firm understanding on frequencies and bleeding in the past.

Apart from hand programming a radio are there any good software program that can be used to do the programming.
Generally, you'll only be using the radio on the FRS/GRMS frequencies. If you know the first frequency, and the bandwidth (25 khz), you can step through pretty easily.
I also have them written on a piece of card paper, with "secret radio codes" scribbled at the top.

I have a few questions:
MURS: This is the first I've heard of MURS. Do you expect that it will become more common world wide? As in, will international radios start having these lower frequencies built in? Do you expect that game hosts will start using them?

Wavelength: This is sort of unrelated, but do you know of any simple resources online that explain why an antenna that is shorter than the wavelength of the signal, would be sufficient? I'm at work, and can't really wrap my head around that at the moment, but I'm curious as to how it works.
...I don't know how radio signals are transmitted, so I suppose that might help me understand better, haha.

"Real" headsets with Chinese radios: I bought a pair of MSA Sordins on a whim, assuming that they'd work fine with my Puxing 888 and Chinese PTT, without doing much research. Obviously they won't work, because of the impedance difference (maybe add a little about impedance to the original post?). I've started out doing a little research, and from what I saw, I would need to either replace the microphone with a low impedance mic, or I would have to buy a real PTT and radio.
If I get a real PTT, will I need to buy a different radio as well? Or would a PTT be all that I need to make my Sordins work with 888?
If I can't use the 888, do you have a recommendation for a decent radio? I'm having trouble finding good advice for something like that, since I don't need a ton of bells and whistles.
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