In response to Cobrajr122,
P* rifles were not banned entirely at Niagara Quartermaster. They are only banned during walk on games where most of the players that go out to participate are newer players who do not have the trigger discipline of the more veteran players. The issue arises that if we have a player with limited experience but cash to burn and wants to jump into the P* action right away and has little to no care or understanding of what can happen, decides to ramp his ROF and starts zipping other players at close range. Sure that player can be removed from play but the damage is already done. The chance that we lose players because of this does not sit well with NQ. Polar stars are still allowed at our larger events as those attending SHOULD be more responsible players. We had even brought it about through a discussion on the forums about polar stars and asked our community what they thought as they are a part of our field as well. They are the ones who come out every weekend and help make it what it is. The community in general wanted to have the HPA rifles removed for walk on days.
Yes the ROF of AEGs can reach high rates but at the same time it is not as easy to adjust said rates like on the P*. When it is as easy as adjusting the FCU for ROF it worries the community that a player will do something stupid with it.
As for the camo situation, sure there are players who do not have the funds to drop the cash on getting camo. Should they no be allowed to play because of this? No. You are right, it is not very realistic running around without camo. But telling players they cannot come out and enjoy this great sport that is airsoft because they do not have the funds to drop all at once is wrong.
I apologize that this is has caused an issue with you Cobrajr122, but those are the field rules. Not everyone is going to like the rules at every field which is the great thing about freedom of choice, you do not have to play here.
Again I apologize if the decision at the NQ field bothers other players but the ban on HPA rifles (Walk ons) is in effect until further notice.
Last edited by oostyen; March 11th, 2014 at 16:39..