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Old March 9th, 2014, 00:53   #3
Shit Geyser
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Location: Newmarket, Ontario
Originally Posted by KarlR View Post
I'm going to be working on a cyma m14 soon, pretty much going to do a complete tune up. I'm tackling it becuase I want to learn more about version 7s.

I would like to replace the cylinder head, piston, piston head, spring guide and air seal nozzle. I'll probably stick with stock gears, tappet plate and motor until some thing breaks. Maybe swap out the spring depending on the fps output.

Now here is my question, can I use a v2/3 piston, piston head and gears in a version 7 gearbox? I've seen some v7 gears around, but I'm not sure whats up with them. I've also seen version 7 pistons, like the one from Prometheus.

Also is there any thing about v7 gearboxes that I should know when working on them?

Thanks guys, take it easy.

I've got the same gun. Completely rebuilt.
You can technically use a normal full tooth piston. I do in mine. You just have to shave off the plastic on the side of the teeth all the way up on the spur gear side. (The little bit of plastic that helps hold the teeth in. If you super glue your teeth in, which you should, you will have no problems)

The spur gear on a V7 gearset is smaller in diameter than V2/V3 gears. That's technically the only obvious change. I haven't bothered to figure out the ratios or anything.

If can take normal piston heads.

You need a longer "M14 length" cylinder. and a V7 cylinder head (TM COMPATIBLE. NOT G&P/CA)

Barrels are also different. You need am M14 specific hop up window. If you're adventurous, you can take a normal AEG barrel and cut the window yourself. But if you're new, I wouldn't bother.

For the Cyma platform. The only nozzle I have found that works is the Magicbox M14 nozzle. SHS and guarder didn't work.

You also need a version 7 spring guide, though SOME version 2 ones will work. But I don't recommend it.

This is a Cyma. Do not attempt to use G&P/CA parts. They are not the same gun, they will blow up in a horrible reign of fire and brimstone. THIS INCLUDES: hop up chambers, cylinder heads, nozzles, magazines, and tappet plates.

As for tips. Take the tappet plate spring out first after taking all the wiring off. It's going to be near the front of the gearbox on the left side. If you don't, parts will go flying when you take it apart. The AR latches are also a pain in the butt to reinstall. But you get used to it over time.

Feel free to PM me with any questions. V7 gearboxes are my favorite.

Last edited by Bakasaur; March 9th, 2014 at 00:56.. Reason: More info added
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