Thread: Hop up ?
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Old September 1st, 2005, 19:27   #2
Greylocks's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Gatineau, Quebec (Near Ottawa)
Did you check the Information section of this website like it has been suggested yet?

Read a LOT, we mean it. It's all there, all the guides and information on the other sections. Most of it is pinned to the top, or use the SEARCH option and narrow down the parameters.

A hopup is simply a way to stabilize the flight of the BB because the barrel has no rifling. It gives each BB a backspin as it travels down the barrel. You will never get the accuracy or the range of a rifled barrel, but you can manage quite well.

So go read, it will be the best thing you can do. Or... go to the Teams section for your province, contact people, and meet them. You cant learn in any faster way than being there. You'll learn faster than it takes time to type a question. No joke.

If not, I'm afraid the moderators will trash all your questions.
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