Ares G36
You know that cool bolt holding open device behind the trigger guard that also acts as your anti-reversal latch release? DO NOT fire the gun with the cocking handle locked back. Best suggestion: next time the gearbox is out or you want to replace that sector gear, disconnect that bar that releases the antireversal latch. also, change out that hop bucking, i think they use the same recipe making hop up buckings as gummy bears. Shim it, do an angle of engagement mod on it, switch your connectors for the battery to something more reliable and you'll have an awesome, reliable and very accurate gun. My son has one, i game it the odd time or carry it with my LMG and it's one of the straightest most consistent shooting gun i've used so far.
Hope this helps.
p.s. I was referring to a G36C so that sight issue on yours, i can't relate too but i get what you're referring to.
CanĀ“t sleep. Clowns will eat me!
Last edited by Ratters; February 20th, 2014 at 21:29..
Reason: added info