Thread: AK5c Low fps
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Old February 6th, 2014, 16:07   #4
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
Try putting a shim made out of a chunk out of an old credit card between the rear of the gearbox and that metal sleeve that fits around the stock screw (which acts to hold the fake bolt and recoil guide rod in place). This shim will push the gearbox a little down and forward thus ensuring that when the nozzle returns to battery it will form a good seal with the hopup rubber.

A friend just performed that very modification and found that it cleaned up the velocity issues he was experiencing. Both he and I were experiencing very low velocity (100-150 fps) on the first 10 or so rounds out of a full midcap. He discovered that an already slightly mis-aligned nozzle would be pushed out of position by the pressure of a full midcap just enough that poor air-seal would result.

I'll be performing that modification myself in the near future. I will report back with the results.

Ryland, if you're reading this please chime in!
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