Thread: AK5c Low fps
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Old February 5th, 2014, 12:49   #1
Join Date: May 2012
AK5c Low fps

I have been having no end of issues with my ak5c. Let me give you some background. There is a 4mm bolt that screws the stock into the back of the gearbox, but when you tighten the bolt, it pulls on the gearbox, causing a misalignment between the airnozzle and hopup while the nozzle is in battery. I have tried to shim the gearbox forwards to counteract this, and the gun feeds reliably, but i am getting sub 300 fps, sometimes as low as sub 100 when it should be shooting about 420 (upgraded compression parts and cylinder) I have no idea how to shim either the hopup, or the gearbox, so the nozzle contacts the bucking and forms a seal, it has a slight upward angle at the tip, which is the problem (due to misalignment of the gearbox as stated above i think). And i was hoping maybe you folks had a fresh perspective for me? I am about ready to throw the damn thing off a cliff here.:banghead::banghead:
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