so far its ok. as build quality goes, its about the same as my aftermath aug, which is just a rebrand JG with clear body. I dont really have a place to range test it and i haven't ripped the mechbox apart.
The mag release is good. I tried all my different mag types and they all feed fine. TM low caps, MAG mid-caps, and KA real-caps.
The issue with the trigger is you dont know when the throw for half pull ends. it goes into to full pull fine. It's nice to have a good clear stopping point when you do a half pull so you dont half cycle the mechbox. I like taking out the 2 stage anyways since i find it causes problem when the aug is really warn down like my TMs. I think my issue with it is where it engages semi is a bit farther back on the trigger pull than all the others so it just feels really odd to me. its more like a 2/3rd pull for semi.
so far, overall im happy with it. I mainly picked it up for the V3 quick swap and finally having an A1 receiver in the collection.
Would I use it as my primary out of my collection of AUGs? No, my 'go to' right now is my stubby. After years of using my phantom, its nice having a short lightweight gun.