Originally Posted by Drakker
It's mostly the fact that in the past, the vast, vast, vast majority of cheaters and players with bad behavior were coming from speedball. When you are playing for fun, realism and even re-enactment, having competitive a**holes with big egos that would not follow the rules and throw a tantrum when they lost was annoying. Most Airsoft players play for fun, we don't care about winning or losing, and we all go for a beer together after the game. Those guys just never fit in this mindset.
Yup, that's what I usually found too. My main thing is that with how aggressive they play, some players just straight up fight right through their hits when they're charging/sliding/faceplanting at someone or they need to be shot a ton before they call it.
My biggest pet peeve is that they'll want a trade even though you nail them with the first shot before they ever hit you, and they'll keep spamming you despite being hit cause you don't want the trade since you hit them first (which causes arguments cause you're getting overshot to heck, they think you're cheating, you're pretty sure you hit them first but they're saying they didn't get hit, etc). And then because they need to be shot a ton to call hits, they overshoot the heck out of everybody else and everyone else starts overshooting everybody to make sure hits get called. Creates and perpetuates a really bad mindset and atmosphere.
Of course, this is a generalization and there are quite a lot of very good speedsofters that are highly honourable and skilled but it feels like there is a larger percentage of bad apples in the speedsoft community than in the milsim community. This might be because it's easier and cheaper to just have minimal black coloured gear and sprint around on a local CQB field with a rifle or a pistol for a few hours instead of building a serious kit with comms and NODs and sustainment for long sims that involves teamwork and small unit tactics and walking long distances only to get schwacked by a guy hiding in a bush with thermals.