Checked the air seal between the piston head to the cylinder, it is horrible.
Later find out that the part of the piston head near the piston guide are being break off. No idea how that could happen, as it seems there is no way that can hit the piston guide. Had to replace that. So glad I have some spare parts.
Tried different combination of piston head and O-ring to get best air seal. Also telfon wraped the cylinder head. The airseal between the piston head and the air nozzle, which I was worried the most (as the previous owner told me that has a problem) is actually not bad, for a nozzle without O-ring. I won't bother to change that, but I will add some air-seal grease.
Will have to remove some wires to proceed further, but I left my soldering iron at work. Will get that tomorrow.