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Old August 28th, 2005, 11:56   #4
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Originally Posted by unused123
Hey all, I have a question about 6mm Imports located in New Century Plaza, do they have a website? I dropped by the plaza last time and it seemed pretty empty so I didn't even bother dropping by. So i was wonder if they had a webpage or something. Thank a lot. I tried calling Kuramae at P-mall to get some information on the prices and all but when i called they said they dont sell airsoft guns. Thank a lot.

Andrew - no offence but try and use some tact. You really need to realize a few things about Airsoft, in that it doesn't follow the same rules as Canadian Tire and Future Shop. I know you are 'just wondering' but at the same time try and have the tact to realize that purchasing Airsoft isn't like picking up a 'DVD' player on sale.

Try and connect with the community, I know there are a few on here who
've said many times - go to a game first. You'll get a lot more understanding and a lot less 'wondering'.
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