The problem is, most handguards are supposed to keep battery in it - therefore they are bigger than RS. That might be the reason why he would like to do that - and thats the reason I would like to put standard VFC grip to my AEG.
AEG offtop:
And it all depends on your AEG - Cyma is more or less copy of G&G, but there was modification needed to put RIS from cyma on G&G. Whats more, I was about buying JG (most likely, don't remember) grip for my Cyma, but when i have received photos of handguard mounted on cyma, I noticed that it is not parallel with the gas tube. So its not said that if it works with one brand, it will work fine with all of them.
Last edited by -Otto-; October 30th, 2013 at 09:10..
Reason: typo