If you wanted something for target practice I'd get a .177/4.5mm air rifle/air pistol (under 500 FPS), I suggest match grade .177's as well, no pointin getting hypervelocity rounds when you really want quality match grade rounds or whatever. Also, no matter what pellet guns are always going to be more accurate than airsoft. I can buy a $100 rifle from Cdn Tire or Cabelas and it'll outshoot pretty much every single airsoft gun except *maybe* if it's a tuned to the tits $10,000 PTW and even then it'll give it a run for it's money.
And for "movies" don't be that guy, seriously. It's great and all but focus on some more basic aspects to movie making like storyboards and getting a good plot, setting, and framing of shots and whatnot (think like Kubrick's style of shooting, something unique and cool).
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Last edited by L473ncy; September 5th, 2013 at 10:56..