Originally Posted by SuperHog
High heat is bad for the windings as well the magnets
You airsofters are funny group of people. If airsoft did not introduce NiMH, you still be using NiCad, and now you are all over Lipo. Of course with out proper voltage cut-off safety circuits. In the electronic world not just RC, voltage cut-off circuits exist. If and when airsoft introduces it, you will get excited because it is new technology to you.
If and when a PTW maker introduces a brushless motor to replace the aging brushed system, you will again embrace it like it is revolutionary for the airsoft market. I won't post anything further on this motor thing, because the evolution will happen just like the battery technology.
I prefer NiCad, it is the superior chemistry across a wider temperature range, and it's discharge curve is superior to lipo. What is not superior is the weight, and the "memory" component is largely irrelevant for airsoft as 300 cycles is a rare event.
The PTW does have a low voltage cut-off, but that tends to not activate with constant voltage sources like lipo.
I doubt we will see brushless motors anytime soon. It requires additional circuitry and grossly larger size to make it impractical and undesirable in the grip of gun, or shoehorned into valuable stock real estate. Brushless motors have been around for a century, I have replaced ones installed in WWII airport beacons, so it is not some revolutionary thing.