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Old June 16th, 2013, 09:25   #12
Official ASC Geomorphologist
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Montr?al south shore, Qc
One thing that wasn't really mentioned is the total cost of a sniper rifle. Sure, those cheap Well clones are somewhat cheap compared to AEGs, although here in Canada they are priced at 3-4x their real value, those cheapo rifles sell for 60-90$ in other countries. These cheap clones WILL break. To take the VSR10 clone as an example, the sears are ultra soft metal and will wear out really fast. The hop-up unit arm is very very cheap plastic which will likely break the first time you disassemble the unit. And speaking about disassembly, you will have to disassemble it before even using it because the hop-up rubber is really bad. It has to be changed immediately for a better rubber such as a 25$ firefly hard rubber and teflon taped to reduce air leak. The piston in the cylinder is crap and will not seal at all, at the very very least you have to change the piston O-Ring and teflon tape the cylinder head. If you want to go a bit farther, drilling port holes in the piston head will increase air seal significantly and help accuracy tremendously. You will have to either cut the spring or buy a lower power spring to be allowed at games, a replacement spring is in the 15-25$ range. The spring guide is crap plastic and needs to be changed too, another 25$ part.

At this point, you are probably 100$ down into your sniper rifle. How much accuracy can you expect? Not much, you probably increased to range to 130ft, maybe 150ft. There's AEGs and GBBR out there who shoot well past 200ft, you will still be outgunned by a large margin. After a few games the soft aluminum bolt will bend, making your already bad air seal worse, and will need to be replaced (its 200-250$ for a good set).

So, how do you increase the accurate range of your cheapo rifle further? Well, you can change all the internals. Expect to pay 600-1000$ for that. You will probably get an accurate rifle up to 200ft, 230ft if you are lucky and didn't get a lemon. But if you had started with a quality sniper rifle (Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, Maruzen, etc) you would have paid 250-500$ initially, would have had to change for 500-800$ of internals, and have a sniper rifle that can potentially shoot 300ft on a non-windy day. A good sniper rifle will costs you over a thousand dollars, and you will still be outgunned at most ranges (single shot VS full auto).

That is why you shouldn't start with a sniper rifle. Especially not a crap one like what you are about to buy.
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Last edited by Drakker; June 16th, 2013 at 09:27..
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