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Old May 23rd, 2013, 16:55   #2
N_Force's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Pull the charging handle, see if the nozzle spring back freely?
Fire with empty mag see if the blow back cycle normal?
Remove the bolt see if any dry and damage o-ring or even cracked nozzle?
Those are the things come up in my mind for your trouble shooting!

In GBB, it contains mostly metal and a bit of plastic parts, also o-rings. Some of the early stage problems could cause by the parts are out of spec. After certain time of using, wear out or broken parts are commonly happening. Most of us are using propane, when liquid gas releases and turns into gas form will draw alot of energy around and create an extreme low temperature to freeze up everything in around. Regular O-rings will be freezed up and become sticky or even crack in long term. That's why we have to add the right amount of oil to keep it lubed. too much or too less are no good. If you are able to get the low temperature type of o-rings in the right size, that's even better. when you have this concept in mind, trouble shoot your GBB will be a lot easier. Hope that helps.
aka Uncle

Last edited by N_Force; May 25th, 2013 at 08:55..
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