I really want to try buy a gas rifle, but It seems to make more sense to stay electric.
Reasons for electric over gas:
- Cheaper to run, no need to buy gas.
- Mag's are a lot cheaper and you do't have to worry about leaks or maintaining them.
- Mag's only hold around 30 rounds, which would be ok if it were a real gun but when shooting bb's through dense bush you really need a 120rd midcap.
- Mag's needing to be metal are a lot heavier than say Pmags. and you have to carry 4x as many to match an AEG players loadout.
- You can run it all year round. Gas wont work in the winter.
That being said. I would love to have someone perswade me to go buy a gas rifle. I love using gas pistols indoors. I just need an excuse.
Last edited by TANNER; May 17th, 2013 at 08:27..